Bachelor’s degree with specialisation in Painting, and a PhD degree in Fine Arts, from the Complutense University of Madrid. Lecturer at the Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Vigo, since 1995. As an artist and researcher, she began developing her creative activity and research work in the field of plastic arts prior to joining the dx5 – digital & graphic art_research group in 2005.

Her work is present in the Spanish contemporary art scenario. She has an extensive background in individual exhibitions with international projections such as “Solaris”. Orto Botanico Museum, Rome, 2015. “Corintia”. Laxeiro Foundation, Vigo, 2014. “Corintia”. Open Ateliers, Amsterdam, 2012. “Botanical stamps”. Casa de la Poesía del Estado de Falcón, Coro (Venezuela), 2009. “Plant Collection”. Casa de las 100 ventanas, Venezuela, 2009.

She has also participated in many group exhibitions including “Rome UbqArt Exhibition”. Casa Internazionalle delle Donne, Rome, 2015. “Electronic Art Café”. Piazza Farnese, Rome, 2015. “Art Mennea day”. Stadio delle Terme di Caracalla, Rome, 2015. “Eidos da imaxe”, Marco, Vigo, 2014. “The Miniature. 8th Biennale International de Gravure contemporaine de Liège”. Itinerant (Pontevedra, Brussels, Wavre, Quebec, Sao Paulo, Liège, Belgrade, Paris), 2011.

Besides the above, she is also involved with intense teaching activity through courses, seminars and congresses.

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